My student has diabetes and/or other health issues and needs their phones for physical health reasons. Can they still participate in the Challenge?
Yes, your student is always welcome to participate. They will exceptionally be allowed to look at their screen in times of need, but only for everything health related. All other apps opened such as social media will disqualify them from winning the challenge.
I don't feel comfortable with my student going to school without a phone. Will they still be able to participate?
Yes, absolutely. We would advise you to have an honest conversation with your student about self-control and gage how tempting it would be for them to have it on themselves all day. Remember that all teachers will have phones on them and that your student can always use the school phones if needed.
My student doesn't have a smartphone or has a Gabb phone. How can they participate if they can't have a screen-shot of their screen-time?
As the parent, you can download a statement on your honor that your student does not have a phone/has a Gabb phone and you can upload this document on the website once they have completed the challenge. Keep in mind that the challenge is for all screens, not just phones.
My student will not be in school on April 6th. Can they still participate?
Yes, no problemo! No matter where you are, you can complete the challenge as long as you stay away from screens those 24 hours. If your student is sick and watches screens during that time, they will be disqualified. When you sign the contract, try to think of a plan B, were they to be sick on that day. It will always go better if you determine what will happen beforehand, rather than wait for it to happen and decide instantaneously.

For any other questions, please contact Mrs Pletain by email at arielle.pletain@jordandistrict.org.